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Ramble & Sunshine award


    How've you been lately? I've been pretty busy with work for the last couple of weeks and I feel I need a little break.

    A few weeks ago, Kejal from NailArt and things gave me this award and I want to thank her (and apologize because it took so long for me to write about it) for the award. Please check out her blog, 'cause she has some lovely designs.

    I have some rules to follow:

    1) Thank the person who gave you this award.
    2) Write a post about it.
    3) Answer the questions below ( I haven't seen any :) )
    4) Pass this award on to 10 other bloggers who I feel are worthy and send them a message to let them know.

    I want to give the award to all the persons who take the time to read what I write here and leave a comment (it's nice to see that someone is sharing your obsession! :D).

    What's next? 

    1) I have so many swatches and NOTD to share with you (and I hope I find some time to do this). 

    2) My boyfriend gave me the Bundle Monster set (version 2) for our 9th anniversary, so you'll see NOTD's with those designs.

    3) I also got some new polishes from the new China Glaze Collection - Metro and I can't wait to share them with you.

    4) I have swatched every nail polish I own on some nail wheels and started a xls file to keep track. I have 268 polishes. Would you like to see my collection and my swatches?

    5) A new haul from and a review for

    I hope you have a nice day and a lovely week!